


C4D Focus/Experience

Specific areas of work/research interest: - international assistance for media professionalization and development - media development - media education and media literacy - media performance and journalistic practices - community media Specific C4D service areas of interest: - communication strategy - training - policy research


I am a 3rd year PhD student in media and communication at the Social Sciences Department, Loughborough University (UK). My research project aims to assess the impact and effectiveness of international organizations engaged in media development in post-authoritarian transition societies - with evidence from relevant UN Agencies in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Romania. I have an MA in 'Media, Information and Communications Policy" from the Public Policy Department of the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Previously I worked as a journalist, human rights project manager, and media researcher and project coordinator in areas related to media pluralism, media policy and regulation, freedom of expression and access to information. I recently returned from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where I worked as a public information officer with the United Nations Volunteers Program, in the UN Mission in DRC (MONUSCO).

Length of C4D Experience

1-5 years working experience


