


C4D Focus/Experience

I am British, based in Solomon Islands since 1996 initially as a volunteer teacher. I became involved in ICTD/digital divide work in 1999, focusing on ICT for Education from 2002 and community media from 2009. I helped establish a rural networking and information sharing network People First Network in 2000 which was quite widely known. Between 2009 and 2012 I partnered with Commonwealth of Learning in their Healthy Communities program (community media, radio, participatory, C4D) working with four Solomon Islands communities with FM community radio to develop participatory and educational radio programmes (Community Learning Programmes CLPs) on prioritised health topics. http://communitymediasolomons.wordpress.com I have an M.A. in Communication for Development from Malmo (2016) and my thesis is on social representations of intangible cultural heritage for a Solomon Islands case study (keywords Pacific Islands studies, social knowledge, protection and preservation of traditional knowledge and cultural expressions, cultural education). I am also a founder board member of a small NGO based in Solomon Islands called Village Technology Trust aiming to encourage the introduction and utilization of appropriate technology into [mainly] rural areas in order to enhance opportunities in education and training, income generation, rural agriculture and industry and so improve the quality of life in the provinces. VTT have been awarded a grant from the UNDP-funded Strengthening the Electoral Cycle in the Solomon Islands Project (SECSIP) programme. The VTT project addresses the underrepresentation of women in leadership and political participation (in one location/constituency Bellona). This is a communication for social change campaign aiming to create attitudinal and behaviour change resulting in more women putting themselves forwards for elected leadership positions and being more successful because the society is more supportive. It will do so by generating and circulating new ideas and representations that are meaningful on a personal and collective level. It uses both the diffusion and participatory approach to communication for social change (CFSC). The project uses participatory video to open up a space for Bellonese to reflect on cultural and other barriers to women's representations and perspectives of women in elected leadership. Digital stories produced by participants will be shared and on-going channels opened through interpersonal forums and social media channels. This project will take place in early 2017. http://villagetechnology.sb. My CV with publications list can be downloaded from my website below. My recent research thesis is here https://mah.academia.edu/DavidLeeming


Private consulting company and independent consultant, specialising in communication for development and social change, ICT4D, media development, ICT in education and research.

Length of C4D Experience

10-15 years working experience



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