C4D Focus/Experience
My C4D experience has involved capacity development of the Ministry of Health for strengthened Nutrition services through advocacy. UNICEF has supported the dissemination of communiaction tools, and supported context-specific problem analysis for context-specific and community driven solution and results. I have also closely supported the governemt to develop community forums that are linked to the ministry of health for frequent 2 way feedback to enhance efficient health care systems.
I work with UNICEF through UNOPS in a field based position
Length of C4D Experience
5-10 years working experience
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Hi Lilian,
Please can you now go to the event listing and RSVP yourself so people can see you there, and contact you - also please can you also drop a comment message with each of the Kenya based members on the Network informing them directly about the event (copy and paste it so they have the link), yoiu can find the list here by doiing a search of the members using 'Kenya', or using the fun interactive map and clicking on Kenya. Thanks!
http://c4dnetwork.ning.com/profi les/members/?q=kenya
Hi Matthew and Lilian,
To assist here is a copy and base of the guidance we have devleoped for network challenge meet-ups, its not gospel but it is hopefully a useful guide as we want to then collate and synthesis meet-up experiences around the world for a write-up and photo montage at a later point.
For all those who are organising or attending the Network Challenge Meet-Ups here is some background information about how we have been doing meet-ups in the UK.
For the Network Challenge Meet-Ups we are hoping that photos are taken and shared via the site and that there will be a write-up shared via the site listing (i) who attending, and (ii) what happened generally, and (iii) what was discussed in terms of a SWOT about C4D in each location (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats).
Learning from the UK meet-up experience
We have been meeting once a month since 2007, and this is what we do and some of the tips we have for you:
What we generally do: