


C4D Focus/Experience

Hello, My C4D focus is social, health and institutional communication. I work now with an NGO witch fight AIDS in Sénégal. I think that our work contribute to acces milleniun objectives for deveopment.





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steve button and Madické DIAGNE are now friends
Nov 7, 2019


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  • Bonjour Madiké,

    Si vous êtes actuellement au Sénégal, je vous propose de nous rencontrer pour échanger, au cours de cette semaine.

    Mon numéro de téléphone est le 77 515 15 89

    Bien cordialement

  • Hi there Madicke, I am glad you like the C4D Network, we simply gather information that might be useful - hence the events, but we don't have any relationship with the organisers or have any funds of our own (I wish - it is all voluntary at the moment!). If you see an event that interests you then hopefully we have given you the contact details you need to followup with the organisers of that event about details such as applications to attend and southern country attendance (there is often grants for this - so do ask). Good luck. Best Jackie
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