

San Diego, CA

C4D Focus/Experience

I have been working on C4D for the past 25 years, first in the area of Child Survival/MCH, then for the bulk of my career in the HIV sector. Recently, I began working on women's reproductive health care. I have background in mass media production (film/video), participatory research, as well as training curriculum development and materials develoment. My main long term focus is on creating environments where social change can take place, and I'm particularly interested in people-powered approaches.


I currently am the Senior Associate, Communication for Social Change at Ipas. I have worked for many INGOs and UN agencies during my 25 year consulting career including: UNICEF, UNFPA, FHI, CDC, Peace Corps, CRS, PCI, JHUCCP, WVI, Secretariat for the Pacific Community, etc.

Length of C4D Experience

15+ years working experience


