Norwich, Norfolk
Norwich, Norfolk
C4D Focus/Experience
I have worked as a programme and project manager in humanitarian response for a small NGO in China. One of our foci was also facilitating communication between journalists and the affected population and building up a community centre for grassroots organisations and the local community (2008-2009). During my M.A. in media and International Development at the UEA I also participated in a project with a local Community Radio Station in Norwich, Norfolk which attempted to incorporate voices from different groups in Norwich and build links between community organisations and the radio station.
I am currently doing a PhD in communication resilience and disasters at the University of East Anglia. I also work as the editor-in-chief of an online magazine (www.stimmen-aus-china.de) founded by a non-profit. We publish articles that are based on quotes from the Chinese internet. Topics include: politics, civil society, environment, culture, economy and German-Chinese international relations.
Length of C4D Experience
Student, 1-5 years working experience