C4D Focus/Experience
I moderate two think tanks www.thedevelopmentcafe.org www.sociologynetwork.org
I am currently working as Senior Research Advisor for USAID funded Implementation Investment Science Study in Zambia
Length of C4D Experience
10-15 years working experience
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Dear colleagues in Zambia on the C4D Network
I am a member of the C4D Network interested in linking up with C4D members in Zambia. I have been in touch with Jackie of the C4D Network office as to how we could do this. Jackie’s advice on the type of linking up/ networking in Zambia should be defined by the team. This is not a must but a suggestion as some members have done/are doing in some countries; C4D members also network in-country-sharing experience, share updates on C4D issues etc.
I am currently out of the country but will be in Lusaka in the coming days and was wondering if those interested in the Zambia C4D Network 'meet up' could meet. Is Saturday, 2nd March, 15hrs (30-45 mins) convinient for the first ‘meet up’ for those interested to define the why, what, how etc? Venue: The Cofffe/Tea Cafe near Finance Bank @ Arcades. My e mail address is jmpakateni@gmail.com. Tel: 0972470444. Once I receive replies from all, I will put them into an e mail loop and share with all to discuss further based on feedback.
Best regards,
In C4D
Jones Mpakateni