


C4D Focus/Experience

I am a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Culture and Society at Western Sydney University. I conduct research on the application of Communication for Development in Peacebuilding with a focus on realities affected by violent conflict. I explore and evaluate new communication for development approaches that employ different media and communication channels to contribute to social change and sustainable peace in the aftermath of (or during) violence. I also look at the application of communication for development for citizen engagement and youth participation in governance and peacebuilding. My more recent work has begun to explore the use of Communication for Development in the context of crisis response interventions, including countering violent extremism in context of protracted displacement, with the aim of developing new frameworks that can link the implementation of applied research with the production of theoretical knowledge, whose translation can inform practice. I collaborate with UNICEF and other international NGOs on different projects related to Communication for Development and media for peace.

My PhD has looked at the ways in which participatory media can be used as story-telling tools to share experiences of war among hostile communities in the aftermath of a civil war, and how sharing stories through the media can facilitate healing and reconciliation. As part of my doctorate project, I worked on the evaluation of two participatory media activities implemented in Kenya in the aftermath of the 2007/2008 Post-Election Violence. I assessed the impact of these projects in relation to ethnic reconciliation between and among communities in specific areas of the Rift Valley, where I spent three months interviewing both victims and perpetrators of the 2007/2008 conflict who have been in contact with these media productions.

Throughout my academic career I have conducted evaluations for Mercy Corps, UNICEF and Search for Common Ground on the use of participatory communication, participatory art and edutainment for conflict transformation and peacebuilding. I have also facilitated participatory media projects with young people and marginalised groups. I am always keen to explore new opportunities for collaboration with international development and humanitarian actors around the world. I am currently Chief Investigator on an Australia Research Council Discovery Award on Development Communication, Media and Peace in Protracted Displacement.This three year project (2022-2024) investigates the use of media and communication from humanitarian organisations in promoting peace and social cohesion among young refugees living in camps; the aim is to develop a new a approach that brings together C4D and CwC in complex settings of protracted encampment.

Prior to the start of my academic career, I worked as an international development professional for various non-governmental organisations, government departments and the United Nations, both in Head Offices and in Country Offices in African settings. 


You can find out more about my work at these links:






Length of C4D Experience

10-15 years working experience



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Valentina Baú updated their profile
Oct 8, 2022


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  • Hi Val - pls see osceania regional group
  • Hi Valentina

    Good to hear from you. Where are you based these days?


  • Hello Valentina, good to hear from you - didn't know you had gone to Australia although I suppose lots can happen in three or four years! Saw Kitty recently, who told me about this network. I'm working as a freelance at the moment - still in touch with Mark C and Anna from Panos.


  • Hi Valentina,

    Sounds interesting. I didn't know there was much PV work taking place in Sydney. Which organisation are you working with? Do you find it meets the community's needs? What are the videos focused on? Exciting stuff! :)


  • Hi Valentina,

    I'd love to hear more about your participatory media work with Aboriginal people in Sydney. I worked with SBS Living Black as a Video Journalist back in 2007 - an incredible experience.



  • Hi Valentina. How are things going in Australia? Glad you are able to do some teaching and practical media work as well as your PhD research.
  • Yes I am really enjoying the C4D MSc. I think the quality of lecturers is very high. Very good example of excellent communication.  The mix of techniques and commitment from lecturers against a backdrop of cuts to further education, is very impressive.  Very best
  • Hi Valentina Did you know that Sarah Cardey uses your article about gender and communication as a very good example of an essay. I am taking the MSc Communications for Innovation and Devolpment course and enjoyed reading your excellent article!

    Very best Julia

  • Glad you signed in! Are you already in Sydney? xx
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