

near Salisbury, Wiltshire

C4D Focus/Experience

I have about 22 years experience as a freelance consultant in development communications, specialising in radio and media development in Africa. Countries in which I have worked extensively include D R Congo, Kenya, Eritrea, Tanzania, Sierra Leone and many others. I write, evaluate, train, facilitate, conduct research and do policy and advocacy work. I am an occasional lecturer at various universities in the UK (most recently Falmouth University) in media and communications for development. I believe strongly in the power of media to help bring about political and social change in developing countries.


Freelancer, formerly with DFID and before that with various NGOs, such as Christian Aid, SOS Sahel, and I have also worked for Cranfield University.

Length of C4D Experience

15 years working experience



Service Provider Summary

I am available for short-term assignments on all aspects of C4D and media assistance.


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  • Mary ,

     How are you?

     I am C4D Specialist  in Mali.

    I desire to collaborate with you.


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