C4D Focus/Experience
My use of voice, participatory video and communication strategies have been used to advocate for greater accountability and transparency of development projects, especially in the mineral mining and forestry sectors. As head of climate change at Panos I was a founder of the Climate Change Media Partnership, an international training programme for developing country journalists. I steered this international initiative and provided training and capacity-building tools. Whilst editing publications and coordinating projects for NGOs, the media and academic journals, I have researched, written and produced numerous books, reports, briefings, articles, websites and videos on environment and development. My experience at convening and chairing seminars and conferences (especially on climate change) include the Burkina Faso conference on Climate Change and agriculture in 2008, and coordinating the Greenhouse Gathering in 1995. As well as broad understanding of climate change policy, I have specialist knowledge of climate change development issues relating to forestry, agriculture and communication.
Freelance Consultant