C4D Focus/Experience
I am a Communication for Development (C4D) expert with over a decade experience in using wide range of media tools including radio, TV, soap opera, theatre, music, social media, local entertainment, journalistic story writing to drive behavioural change and social transformation, especially in the area of youth participation in democratic governance, youth engagement in agribuisness, malaria prevention, HIV/AIDS prevention, family planning practice, gender and social inclusion in peace and security process, peace building, among other themes. I have worked with a couple of iNGOs in Nigeria, including the UN Women, International Fund for Agriculture (IFAD), Search for Common Ground (SFCG), Cuso International, International Institute of Tropical agriculture (IITA) and Stakeholder Democracy Network (SDN). I am a specialist in communication campaigns, messaging, communication strategy, digital/new media communications, knowledge management. I train journalists, CSOs and others in gender-sensitive communication, conflict sensitive communication and reporting, agricultural journalism, and advocacy.
Executive Director, Journalists Initiative for Youth Empowerment (Ji4Ye) www.ji4ye.org
Length of C4D Experience
10-15 years working experience
Service Provider Summary
Design, implement, manage and evaluate ComDev projects, strategies, components and activities. Enhance ComDev capacities of individuals, teams and institutions. Provide thematic training on gender-sensitive communication and conflict-sensitive communication. Production of ComDev resources and tools (print, audio, visuals), including Knowledge Products. Digital/new media communication. Media engagement. Media campaigns and messaging. Advisory Support Services.
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Hi Obinna, we are looking for a communications for advocacy trainer for January in Nigeria. Please have a look at our Terms of Reference here: https://bit.ly/366oiPj if you are interested. Thank you and best wishes, Nina Hoeve