Columbus, OH
Columbus, OH
C4D Focus/Experience
I am interested in Communication for Development (C4D) as an academic and a practitioner. I am interested in action research on C4D focussed on four main issues: a) what is the theory base for it? b) who qualifies as a C4D professional? c) how can we operationalize it? and d) how can we generate empirical evidence to validate it? I realize that field-testing C4D will require donor funding and hope that there will come a time when donors realize that we cannot provide evidence of its effectiveness if we do not first test it.
I am a professor at an esteemed university in the United States. I am also a consultant on capacity building, promoting higher education in C4D, community mobilization, empowerment, community-driven development and applying C4D for agricultural and rural development.
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Robert: Thanks. Great to see that you are a member of the C4D network.