

Brisbane, Queensland

C4D Focus/Experience

My main focus has been on developing appropriate frameworks and methodologies for evaluating the impacts of C4D and developing evaluation capacities in development communication organisations. I worked on the action research project 'Assessing Communication for Social Change' in Nepal from 2007 -11. This was a collaboration with Equal Access Nepal which makes radio programs focussed on social and behaviour change. The project built capacities in participatory methodologies and methods and resulted in a Participatory M&E toolkit. This can be found at http://betterevaluation.org/toolkits/equal_access_participatory_monitoring. With Jo Tacchi, I was a consultant to a UN project that produced the major report 'Researching, Monitoring and Evaluating Communication for Development: Trends, Challenges and Approaches', which was published by UNICEF at http://www.unicef.org/cbsc/index_44255.html. In addition, I co-authored the book 'Action Research and New Media' (Hampton Press, 2009) and, with Jo Tacchi, the book 'Evaluating Communication for Development: A framework for social change' (Routledge, 2013) which has received excellent reviews (see http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415522595/)


I am currently working part-time for RMIT University in Melbourne.

Length of C4D Experience

5-10 years working experience


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