
C4D Focus/Experience

I am the Programme Director of GlobalGirl Media UK, the UK chapter of the international non-profit, GGM. We empower girls and young women aged 14-22 from under represented communities in digital media skills and offer them opportunities to amplify their voices on the global media stage. My background is in documentaries - both broadcast and web content. My special interest has always been in human rights and the environment, with a particular focus on women's rights. I am an Associate for InsightShare UK, market leaders in participatory video as a tool for social change. I have an MA in International Development and Communications from City University, London, and a BA from Harvard University. I am available for work as a communications consultant or project manager in the NGO, UN or broadcast sectors.


GlobalGirl Media UK and Lotus Films. Freelance content and strategy consultant.

Length of C4D Experience

5-10 years working experience


