C4D Focus/Experience
Convenor of the course Development Communication in the Development Studies Department at SOAS, University of London. Director of SOAS Radio. Communication for Development training and consultancy in Health and Climate Change. Grassroots approaches in communications using radio, music and participatory edutainment. I have worked as consultant for several community radio and digital media projects and capacity building programmes in media management in the UK, the Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Mozambique, Tunis, Oman, Ethiopia and Tanzania. Strategic communications for the Academic and Third Sector. Interested in promoting volunteering in media and communications in developing countries. Traditional Radio, ICT's, music and mobile phones.
Director of SOAS Radio, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Department of Development Studies and Department of Music, SOAS. Trustee of INGO Every Child (UK).
Length of C4D Experience
5-10 years working experience