


C4D Focus/Experience

I'm a participatory media and development specialist with fiftteen+ years experience (including living in Cambodia for 10 years) and an MA in Theatre and Media for Development. I work with participatory theatre, participatory video and participatory photography as well as PRA and PLA techniques. I create, facilitate and train in media as well as research, evaluate programme design and tailored trainings in any subject using participatory techniques. My recent work has focused on design, innovation and evaluation. Previous clients include the Rockefeller Foundation, Christian Aid, Water Aid, Save the Children, UNESCO, UNDP. I've worked in Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda), Asia (Afghanistan, Cambodia, India, Thailand, Vietnam), Europe, and the USA and an well-versed in working cross-culturally and in translation. I'm a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a member of the European Evaluation Society.


I'm independent and collaborate with many different organisations. I'm an associate of InsightShare.

Length of C4D Experience

15 years working experience



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  • Hi Jane, Are you still based in Cambodia? I'm organizing a C4D event in Phnom Penh on September 1st and would love to talk to C4D practitioners in Cambodia to share some information about the event. Looking forward to hearing from you! 



  • Hi Julia

    That's great that you have Witness involved - I'm a huge fan of their work and if they have somebody in Botswana, all the better.

    Please do feel free to come back to me on this, or in the future.

    Best of luck with it all


  • Hi Jane

    Hi Jane

    Thank you so much for your response and interest in the project. Yes, having looked at your profile you do sound very relevant indeed. Before I posted my message with C4D network I had contacted Witness.org to see if they could collaborate in some way and as that was looking increasingly unlikely I thought I would try the  network. However, Witness has now come back to me and are actively helping / advising and have recommended their trainer in Botswana. 

    So for this immediate training I think I may be covered but will come back to you if their trainer is not available. And as this is something I will want to do a lot more of in the future, so I know where to come to. 

     Very best Julia 

    Very best Julia



  • Hi Jane 

    Thanks for your message. I have had a number of queries so probably best if I put together a better description of the work and budget, who would be trained etc, and request interested people such as yourself to answer a few questions to help me work out who would be best placed to work with us. Thanks Julia  

  • Jane - what is on the sign in the MDG photo?
  • Thanks Jane for the videos, great to have fresh content. Best Jackie

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