

Sydney, NSW

C4D Focus/Experience

I have over 10 years experience working in media/ communications, international development and communication for development. I am specifically focused on behaviour change communication, risk communication and strategic health communication, currently based in the Solomon Islands. I have worked throughout the Asia Pacific region, in partnership with AusAID/ DFAT and other partners on various media/ communications/ C4D projects.


Communication for Development Adviser, Solomon Islands Partnership Facility & Founder and Director, Communication for Development Pty Ltd, an Australian social business

Length of C4D Experience

10-15 years working experience



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  • Hi Jacinta.

    Thanks for getting in contact and for the interest in my research. My email address is tait.brimacombe@adelaide.edu.au if you would like further information about my research. I would love to know more about the digital storytelling project you were involved with?



  • Hi Jacinta.

    I have been working on the facilitation of a Participatory Video project with Aboriginal women for a Redfern-based organisation. it is quite a challenging experience but I am enjoying learning about a reality I was not familiar with.  

  • Hi Jacinta, nice to see someone working in the Pacific on the network!

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