C4D Focus/Experience
The research, design and delivery of communication strategies, specialising in health and sustainable livelihoods (rural and urban). I work with a participatory approach using all relevant media, ensuring built-in feedback and response loops for monitoring and evaluation. Also produce, write and direct materials for existing strategies across and interlinking TV, Radio, Print, SMS and the Web.
A freelance consultant working with NGOs, donors and government ministries, particularly in Africa.
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Dear Katrina, we are looking for a communications for advocacy trainer in Zimbabwe. Please have a look at the Terms of Reference if you are interested: https://aidsfonds.org/assets/work/file/Terms%20of%20reference%20tra...
Best wishes, Nina Hoeve
Hi Katrina, I am interested in speaking with you about some freelance comms work for a program in Lesotho. Please contact me at garber@ilo.org. Thanks.
Chandra Garber