Cardiff, Wales UK
Cardiff, Wales UK
C4D Focus/Experience
I have worked as a filmmaker and trainer for the last 14 years with the Gemini Foundation an indigenous NGO in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, working with young Ethiopian filmmakers on social/behaviour change films. Freelance film for development worker. Worked on digital Storytelling project in June 2013 with Mothers For Africa Project in Chongwe, Zambia
Gemini Foundation Ethiopia, Freelance Valley and Vale Community Arts, Freelance Film for Development Worker, Wales UK Set up Wales Ethiopia link project supported by the Wales Africa Community link project
Length of C4D Experience
10-15 years working experience
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Dear Tracy
Thank you so much for your response and interest in the project. Yes, having looked at your profile you do sound very relevant indeed. Before I posted my message with C4D network I had contacted Witness.org to see if they could collaborate in some way and as that was looking increasingly unlikely I thought I would try the network. However, Witness has now come back to me and are actively helping / advising and have recommended their trainer in Botswana.
So for this immediate training I think I may be covered but will come back to you if their trainer is not available. And as this is something I will want to do a lot more of in the future, so I know where to come to.
Very best Julia
Hi Tracy, Thank you for subscribing for a month. We have updated your profile accordingly. Please do ad a photo if you have a mo, it would be super to see you. Best Jackie and Team
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