


C4D Focus/Experience

I'm passionate about participatory communication and in particular participatory video.


Head of Innovation and Development at InsightShare My full profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/soledadmuniz

Length of C4D Experience

10-15 years working experience



Service Provider Summary

I specialise in participatory communication with particular skill and experience in deploying participatory video as a tool in international development programs. I have over 10 years’ experience researching, planning and implementing numerous participatory video projects, with a strong understanding of the application and potential of the tool in a range of contexts. I have worked in more than 30 projects in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia in a range of issues including environment, indigenous peoples, gender equality and youth & children's rights. I have experience in capacity building, community development, research and monitoring & evaluation.

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Soledad Muniz updated their profile
Jun 12, 2019

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  • Hi Soledad:

    I'm so sorry that I hadn't checked my inbox here.  We have not been in Chiang Mai recently.  Right now we're in the USA until February.  After that we'll be there for about 6 months.



  • Hey Sol, yes it was lovely meetup, thanks everyone
  • Not Rio, Buenos Aires - sorry!

  • Sol, Hi there - and welcome back to Blighty. Please update your profile as you are still on the beach in Rio there. Also I am getting bounceback on your email - not sure why? I wrote to say we are NOT having an April UK 'last weds of the month' lunch but staring fresh and strong with new venue and modality in May - last weds! So see you there or in Oxford before. Cheers Jackie

  • Hi Soledad, it is good to know that you are an associate of InsightShare. Insightshare's Insight into participatory video - a handbook for the field, and A rights based approach to participatory video - toolkit have come in very handy for my colleagues and I.
  • Hi Sole! I'm flying to Sydney in a month time. I'm super-excited and getting ready for the big move. Nice idea that of the C4D Reading group!
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